Our Values
Our staff recently took part in a value education day. This involved the staff identifying which values they felt best represented Cotwall End. From that session we came up with a number of values to present to the children of Cotwall End.
We gave the children pictures of Yoda, Snow White, Tigger, Pinocchio, Mufasa and Dumbo and asked them to think of their own words to describe the pictures and to think of any quotes that they felt the pictures represented.
Once all these were collated from the children together with the values the staff had come up with, all the information was given to the children who represent the School Council and together with the help of the HSA they looked at all of these. The children voted for which words and quotes they felt best represented the values of Cotwall End. Children were unanimous with the decisions they made and ensured it was a fair and democratic process.
Here are the values of Cotwall End with the winning quotes. We hope you agree how wonderful they are and what a superb job they did.