Receptions Brockswood Christmas trip​

The children had a fantastic time at Brockswood Animal Sanctuary.
They all got to meet Santa himself and they all received a present off him.
But they couldn't leave without seeing the animals, and even got to feed some of the Sheep and Goats.

Our Reception Classes got two very special surprise visits from our Local Emergency Services! They had so much fun and learnt lots of new things!

People Who Help Us

On Friday 10th November 2023, Reception were visited by three Paramedics. Amy, Sarah and Shelly told everyone about the role of a paramedic and they even got to see an ambulance! What an exciting morning!

On Thursday 27th April, Reception had a special visit from the local fire service! The children took it in turns to spray water from the hose (staff cars have never been cleaner!) and they even had chance to sit in the fire engine and have a look at all the equipment on board.

Reception Tadpoles

Reception had some visitors arrive in their classroom! To start with, they looked like big balls of jelly, we found out this was called frogspawn. Then, they grew tails and turned into tadpoles. We have been feeding them cucumber and fish food, look how much they have grown!

On Friday 3rd March, Reception had a very special visitor… Chris, the Animal Man! We met a barn owl, a tarantula, a frog, a snake, two legless lizards, a hedgehog and a skunk. He told us lots of interesting facts about each animal and we all got the chance to stroke/hold each one. We were all very brave. It was a brilliant start to our amazing animal adventure topic!
Animal Man

Super Paramedics visit
Reception Class
They told us about some of the wonderful skills that they have like putting on bandages, monitoring our hearts and how to call for help! You are awesome!