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What an active week at school...

So what a week, we have had the children from Year 2 having their graduation on Tuesday from KS1 to KS2. It was a lovely celebration for children, parents and staff to see the children get their awards and to start looking forward to KS2 in September.

Our Year 1 parents came into school this week and enjoyed a meal with their children at lunchtime. The children love eating with their parents in the school. Thank you for making it a success.

We also had the summer concert on Monday night which was held outside in the sunshine which was lovely to see the children play their chosen instruments and to hear the choir sing.

Today is sports day for the whole school, the children have been looking forward to this all week and I am sure next week there will be plenty of proud parents today.

Don't forget tomorrow is the HSA Summer BBQ and treasure hunt. There will be various stalls, a licensed bar, face painting, glitter tattoos, candy floss, popcorn and ice cream. There will also be a talent show. A leaflet will be sent home with children today. We do hope you can join us.

Enjoy the weekend and we hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow.

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