Welcome back to children and parents/carers after the Easter Holidays. We hope you all enjoyed your break and did lots of enjoyable things.
The Summer term is always a busy term and there is plenty going on in school. Please make sure that you have downloaded the school app ParentHub. This is now our main way to communicate with parents and is very easy to set up. Please speak with Mrs Starkey in the office if you need any help with this. We will continue to send letters home for the time being and will of course let you know about any changes.
Next week we have the Year 5 children out on a visit to Dudley Zoo, re-arranged from when we had all the snow, so hopefully they will have a nice sunny day to enjoy the animals.
Please come back to check up over the next few weeks to find out what has been going on in and around school and what we have to look forward to over the next few weeks.
